Well, it is certainly possible that God would have sent an image of his Son to decorate the wardrobe of this elderly Romanian couple. This, however, is the sort of thing that borders on idolatry, as in worship of an icon. In this instance, something that looks like a typical Orthodox bearded priest.
This is voodoo Christianity, people. It cheapens the real faith that so many have, because it makes at least the silent claim that one needs apparitions and supernatural manifestations to sustain our faith.
The Gospel message is necessary, and it is sufficient. It is stunning in its simplicity, and challenging to our notions of how the world of life, and death, should operate. But apparently did not in the instance of our Savior.
In that regard, more than the simple telling of the Gospel message of Christ's atoning death, and His resurrection, is less. Claimed apparitions, such as this one in Romania, detract from the awesome power of Christ's message.
As regards the Gospel, more is less, and less is more.
| technorati tag | Christianity|
Please tell me how they know what Jesus looks like? They've seen too many of the 'so-called pictures' of Jesus floating around!
Apparitions are not for me! I'd rather have the WORD, and His spirit within me! I believe that these things are really from the devil, who is trying, in these last days, to get people distracted from God.
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